Name | Sex | Language | Meaning(s) | Original Spelling | Notes |
Zeydan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zeydan: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Zeyn | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zeyn: Adornment 72 names Beauty 85 names Excellence 24 names Grace 20 names Virtue 56 names | زَيْن | Variant of the name Zayn. |
Zeyne | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zeyne: Adornment 72 names Beauty 85 names Excellence 24 names Grace 20 names Virtue 56 names | زَيْن | Variant of the name Zayn. |
Zeytun | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zeytun: Olive 18 names Olive Tree 16 names | زَيْتُون | Variant of the name Zaitun, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zeyyan | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zeyyan: Adorner 33 names Beautifier 34 names Decorator 21 names | زَيَّان | Variant of the name Zayyan. |
Zeyyana | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zeyyana: Adorner 33 names Beautifier 34 names Decorator 21 names | زَيَّانَة | Variant of the name Zayana. |
Zeyyanah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zeyyanah: Adorner 33 names Beautifier 34 names Decorator 21 names | زَيَّانَة | Variant of the name Zayana. |
Zia | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zia: Light 106 names Radiance 119 names | ضياء | Variant of the name Ziya, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zia ul Qamar | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zia ul Qamar: Moonlight 25 names | ظل القمر | |
Ziaa | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziaa: Light 106 names Radiance 119 names | ضياء | Variant of the name Ziya, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ziaad | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziaad: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زياد | Variant of the name Ziyad. |
Ziaada | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziaada: Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيادة | Variant of the name Ziyada, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ziaara | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziaara: Visit 16 names Visitation 14 names | زِيَارَة | Variant of the name Ziara. |
Ziaarah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziaarah: Visit 16 names Visitation 14 names | زِيَارَة | Variant of the name Ziara. |
Ziad | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziad: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زياد | Variant of the name Ziyad. |
Ziada | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziada: Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيادة | Variant of the name Ziyada, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ziadah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziadah: Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيادة | Variant of the name Ziyada, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ziana | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziana: Adornment 72 names Beautification 46 names | زِيَانَة | Variant of the name Zeeana. |
Zianah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zianah: Adornment 72 names Beautification 46 names | زِيَانَة | Variant of the name Zeeana. |
Ziara | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziara: Visit 16 names Visitation 14 names | زِيَارَة | |
Ziarah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziarah: Visit 16 names Visitation 14 names | زِيَارَة | Variant of the name Ziara. |
Ziauddin | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziauddin: Radiance of the Faith 2 names | ضِيَاء الدين | |
Ziaul Qamar | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziaul Qamar: Moonlight 25 names | ظل القمر | Variant of the name Zia ul Qamar. |
Zibaa | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zibaa: Gazelles 3 names | ظِبَأء | |
Zibriqan | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zibriqan: Crescent 1 names Moon 29 names | | |
Zidaan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zidaan: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Zidaane | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zidaane: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Zidan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zidan: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | |
Zidan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zidan: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Zidane | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zidane: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Ziea | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziea: Light 106 names Radiance 119 names | ضياء | Variant of the name Ziya, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ziedaan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziedaan: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Ziedan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziedan: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Ziedane | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ziedane: Growth 59 names Increase 64 names Progress 61 names | زيدان | Variant of the name Zidan. |
Zienah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zienah: Adornment 72 names Beauty 85 names | زينة | Variant of the name Zeenah, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zieya | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zieya: Light 106 names Radiance 119 names | ضياء | Variant of the name Ziya, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zifaf | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zifaf: River Bank 5 names Shore 6 names Side 5 names | ضِفَاف | |
Zihaaka | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihaaka: Happy 194 names Laughing 6 names | ضحاكة | Variant of the name Zihaka. |
Zihak | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihak: Laughter 5 names | ضحك | Variant of the name Zehak. |
Zihaka | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihaka: Happy 194 names Laughing 6 names | ضحاكة | Arabic for "one who laughs often", "happy". |
Zihn | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihn: Intellect 10 names Psyche 2 names Reason 7 names | ذهن | Variant of the name Zehn. |
Zihnee | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihnee: Intellectual 30 names Reasonable 30 names Understanding 44 names | ذهني | Variant of the name Zihni. |
Zihni | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihni: Intellectual 30 names Reasonable 30 names Understanding 44 names | ذهني | Arabic for "intellectual", "understanding", "reasonable", "deep thinker". |
Zihniyyah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihniyyah: Intelligent 181 names Wise 193 names | ذِهْنيَّة | |
Zihny | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zihny: Intellectual 30 names Reasonable 30 names Understanding 44 names | ذهني | Variant of the name Zihni. |
Zikr | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zikr: Mention 5 names Remembrance 16 names | ذِكْر | The name Zikr is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zikra | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zikra: Memory 12 names Recollection 14 names Remembrance 16 names | ذكرى | The name Zikra is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zikraa | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zikraa: Memory 12 names Recollection 14 names Remembrance 16 names | ذكرى | Variant of the name Zikra, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zikrayat | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zikrayat: Memories 1 names Recollections 1 names Reminiscences 1 names | ذِكْرَيَات | |
Zil | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zil: Shade 29 names Shadow 16 names | ظل | Variant of the name Zill. |