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By the creator of this site.Baby Names for Muslims: Traditional and Modern Boy and Girl Names from Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Other World Languages Permissible in Islam
Baby Names Meaning Hawthorn
2 names - page 1
Name | Sex | Language | Meaning(s) | Original Spelling | Notes |
Mae | Female | English 773 names | Meaning(s) of Mae: Drop of the Sea 42 names Hawthorn 2 names Pearl 41 names | Variant of May. | |
May | Female | English 773 names | Meaning(s) of May: Drop of the Sea 42 names Hawthorn 2 names Pearl 41 names | Pet form of Margaret and Mary, and also a type of flower. Muslims shouldn't use this name with the meaning of "fifth month of the year" as this derives from a pagan goddess's name (Maia). |