Name | Sex | Language | Meaning(s) | Original Spelling | Notes |
Saif | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saif: Sword 7 names | سَيْف | |
Saif | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saif: Summer 3 names | صَيْف | The name Saif is mentioned in the Quran. |
Saifaddin | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saifaddin: Sword of the Faith 1 names | سَيْف الدين | |
Saiful Haq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saiful Haq: Sword of Truth 1 names | سَيْفُ الحق | |
Saiful Islam | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saiful Islam: Sword of Islam 1 names | سيف الإسلام | |
Saih | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saih: One Who Fasts 15 names | سائح | Variant of the name Saaih. |
Saihaan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saihaane | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saihah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saihah: Flowing Water 5 names Traveler 9 names | سَائِحَة | Variant of the name Saaiha. |
Saihah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saihah: Flow 2 names Streaming 1 names Travel 1 names | سَيْحَة | |
Saihan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saihane | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saim | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saim: One Who Fasts 15 names | صائم | |
Saina | Female | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Saina: Serene 25 names Silent 9 names | ساينا | Variant of the name Sayna. |
Sainaa | Female | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Sainaa: Serene 25 names Silent 9 names | ساينا | Variant of the name Sayna. |
Sairan | Female | Kurdish 197 names Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Sairan: Expedition 2 names Picnic 2 names Trip 2 names | سيران | |
Sajda | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajda: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَجْدَاء | Variant of the name Sajdaa. |
Sajdaa | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajdaa: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَجْدَاء | |
Sajed | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajed: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَاجِد | Variant of the name Sajid. |
Sajeda | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajeda: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَاجِدَة | Variant of the name Sajida. |
Sajedah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajedah: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَاجِدَة | Variant of the name Sajida. |
Sajeed | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajeed: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper 32 names | سَجِيد | |
Sajeeda | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajeeda: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper 32 names | سَجيدة | Variant of the name Sajeedah. |
Sajeedah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajeedah: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper 32 names | سَجيدة | |
Sajid | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajid: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَاجِد | The name Sajid is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sajida | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajida: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَاجِدَة | |
Sajidah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sajidah: Prostrator 20 names Worshiper of God 37 names | سَاجِدَة | Variant of the name Sajida. |
Sakeena | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakeena: Composure 16 names Dignity 17 names Tranquility 17 names | سَكِينَة | Variant of the name Sakeenah. |
Sakeenah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakeenah: Composure 16 names Dignity 17 names Tranquility 17 names | سَكِينَة | |
Sakheei | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakheei: Generous 135 names Noble 277 names | سَخيّ | |
Sakhi | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakhi: Generous 135 names Noble 277 names | سَخيّ | Variant of the name Sakheei. |
Sakhia | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakhia: Generous 135 names Noble 277 names | سَخِيّة | Variant of the name Sakhiyyah. |
Sakhiyyah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakhiyyah: Generous 135 names Noble 277 names | سَخِيّة | |
Sakhr | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakhr: Boulder 1 names Rock 34 names | صَخْر | The name Sakhr is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sakina | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakina: Composure 16 names Dignity 17 names Tranquility 17 names | سَكِينَة | Variant of the name Sakeenah. |
Sakinah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sakinah: Composure 16 names Dignity 17 names Tranquility 17 names | سَكِينَة | Variant of the name Sakeenah. |
Sakou | Male | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Sakou: Tree-less Mountain 1 names | ساکو | |
Sal | Female | English 773 names | Meaning(s) of Sal: Princess 19 names | | Short form of Sally. |
Salaam | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salaam: Peace 23 names Safety 20 names Security 14 names | سَلامٌ | Variant of the name Salam, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Salaama | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salaama: Safety 20 names Security 14 names | سلامة | Variant of the name Salama. |
Salaamah | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salaamah: Safety 20 names Security 14 names | سلامة | Variant of the name Salama. |
Salaar | Male | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Salaar: Chief 62 names Leader 94 names Sovereign 9 names | سالار | Variant of the name Salar. |
Salaat | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salaat: Litany 1 names Prayer 24 names | صَلَاة | The name Salaat is mentioned in the Quran. |
Salab | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salab: Fox 5 names | ثَعْلب | Variant of the name Thaalab. |
Salah | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salah: Faithfulness 9 names Piety 2 names Purity 19 names | صَلَاح | |
Salahaddin | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salahaddin: Reformation of the Faith 1 names Uprightness of the Faith 1 names | صَلَاح الدين | |
Salahan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salahan: Devoted 12 names Good 110 names Upright 8 names | صَلَاحَان | |
Salam | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salam: Peace 23 names Safety 20 names Security 14 names | سَلامٌ | The name Salam is mentioned in the Quran in verse 5:16 and others. |
Salama | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salama: Safety 20 names Security 14 names | سلامة | |
Salamah | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Salamah: Safety 20 names Security 14 names | سلامة | Variant of the name Salama. |