Name | Sex | Language | Meaning(s) | Original Spelling | Notes |
Talaah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talaah: Aspect 2 names Countenance 5 names Face 5 names | طَلْعَة | |
Talaat | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names Turkish 166 names | Meaning(s) of Talaat: Aspect 2 names Countenance 5 names Face 5 names | طلعت | Turkish pronunciation of Talaah. |
Talab | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talab: Demand 2 names Desire 16 names Seeker 25 names | طَلَب | The name Talab is mentioned in the Quran. |
Talal | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talal: Coater 1 names | طَلَّال | One who puts a coat of varnish or dye on something. |
Talalia | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talalia: Reciter 5 names | تَالِيَة | Variant of the name Taaliah. |
Taleb | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taleb: Pursuer 9 names Seeker 25 names Seeker of Knowledge 15 names | طَالِب | Variant of the name Talib, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Taleba | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taleba: Pursuer 9 names Seeker 25 names Seeker of Knowledge 15 names | طَالِبَة | Variant of the name Talibah. |
Talebah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talebah: Pursuer 9 names Seeker 25 names Seeker of Knowledge 15 names | طَالِبَة | Variant of the name Talibah. |
Talha | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talha: Banana Tree 2 names | طَلْحَة | |
Talhah | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talhah: Banana Tree 2 names | طَلْحَة | Variant of the name Talha. |
Talib | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talib: Pursuer 9 names Seeker 25 names Seeker of Knowledge 15 names | طَالِب | The name Talib is mentioned in the Quran. |
Taliba | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taliba: Pursuer 9 names Seeker 25 names Seeker of Knowledge 15 names | طَالِبَة | Variant of the name Talibah. |
Talibah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talibah: Pursuer 9 names Seeker 25 names Seeker of Knowledge 15 names | طَالِبَة | |
Talibullah | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Talibullah: Seeker of God 1 names | طَالِب الله | |
Talitha | Female | Biblical 45 names | Meaning(s) of Talitha: Little Girl 3 names | | From Aramaic. |
Taliya | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taliya: Reciter 5 names | تَالِيَة | Variant of the name Taaliah. |
Taliyah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taliyah: Reciter 5 names | تَالِيَة | Variant of the name Taaliah. |
Talulla | Female | Irish 84 names | Meaning(s) of Talulla: Abundance 8 names Lady 11 names Princess 19 names | | |
Tam | Male | Scottish 76 names | Meaning(s) of Tam: Twin 8 names | | Short form of Thomas. |
Tamana | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamana: Hope 38 names Wish 14 names | تمنّى | Variant of the name Tamanna. |
Tamanaa | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamanaa: Hope 38 names Wish 14 names | تمنّى | Variant of the name Tamanna. |
Tamanna | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamanna: Hope 38 names Wish 14 names | تمنّى | |
Tamannaa | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamannaa: Hope 38 names Wish 14 names | تمنّى | Variant of the name Tamanna. |
Tamassuk | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamassuk: Adherence 1 names | تَمَسُّك | |
Tamasul | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamasul: Similarity 8 names | تَمَاثُل | |
Tamheed | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamheed: Facilitation 3 names Preparation 1 names | تَمْهِيد | |
Tami | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tami: Elevated 62 names Exalted 69 names High 50 names | طَامِي | |
Tamir | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamir: Date Merchant 4 names | تَامِر | |
Tamirah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tamirah: Date Merchant 4 names | تَامِرَة | |
Tammam | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tammam: Complete 42 names Whole 49 names | تَمَّام | |
Tammamah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tammamah: Date Merchant 4 names | تَمَّامَّة | |
Tammar | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tammar: Date Merchant 4 names | تَمَّار | |
Tamoor | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | تامور or تأمور | Variant of the name Tamur. |
Tamsin | Female | English 773 names | Meaning(s) of Tamsin: Twin 8 names | | Contracted form of Thomasina. |
Tamur | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | تامور or تأمور | |
Tan’im | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tan’im: Blessedness 22 names | تَنْعِيم | Variant of the name Taneem. |
Taneem | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taneem: Blessedness 22 names | تَنْعِيم | |
Taneim | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taneim: Blessedness 22 names | تَنْعِيم | Variant of the name Taneem. |
Taneli | Male | Finnish 22 names | Meaning(s) of Taneli: God is My Judge 7 names | | Finnish form of Daniel. |
Tanim | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tanim: Blessedness 22 names | تَنْعِيم | Variant of the name Taneem. |
Tansy | Female | English 773 names | Meaning(s) of Tansy: Tansy 1 names | | A flower name. |
Taqadum | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Taqadum: Advancement 5 names Progress 61 names | تَقَدُّم | |
Tara | Female | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Tara: Most Brilliant Star 2 names | تارا | |
Tara | Female | English 773 names | Meaning(s) of Tara: Hill 2 names | | |
Taraaneh | Female | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Taraaneh: Beautiful Young Person 4 names | ترانه | Variant of the name Taraneh. |
Tarana | Female | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Tarana: Beautiful Young Person 4 names | ترانه | Variant of the name Taraneh. |
Taranah | Female | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Taranah: Beautiful Young Person 4 names | ترانه | Variant of the name Taraneh. |
Taraneh | Female | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Taraneh: Beautiful Young Person 4 names | ترانه | |
Tarashud | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tarashud: Guidance 14 names | تَرَاشُد | |
Tareef | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Tareef: Exquisite 3 names Quaint 2 names Rate 1 names | طَرِيف | |