Baby Names Starting With Z
847 names - page 14
Show only names belonging to the language:
Arabic 754Persian 81Urdu 16English 11Kurdish 11Turkish 6Hebrew 6Polish 3Czech 1Biblical 1Slavic 1
Name | Sex | Language | Meaning(s) | Original Spelling | Notes |
Zohair | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohair: Blossom 6 names Flower 31 names | زُهَيْر | Variant of the name Zuhair. |
Zohaira | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohaira: Flower 31 names Radiant 335 names | زهيرة | Variant of the name Zuhaira. |
Zohaira | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohaira: Little Flower 4 names Radiant 335 names | زُهَيْرا | Variant of the name Zuhairaa. |
Zohairah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohairah: Flower 31 names Radiant 335 names | زهيرة | Variant of the name Zuhaira. |
Zohaya | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohaya: Radiant 335 names | زُهَيَّة | Variant of the name Zuhayyah. |
Zohayr | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohayr: Blossom 6 names Flower 31 names | زُهَيْر | Variant of the name Zuhair. |
Zohdi | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohdi: Ascetic 46 names | زُهْدِيّ | Variant of the name Zuhdi. |
Zohdia | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohdia: Ascetic 46 names | زُهْدِيَّة | Variant of the name Zuhdiyyah. |
Zohr | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohr: Radiant 335 names | زُهْر | Variant of the name Zuhr. |
Zohra | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohra: Bright White Color 5 names Radiant 335 names Venus 16 names | زُهرة | |
Zohrah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohrah: Bright White Color 5 names Radiant 335 names Venus 16 names | زُهرة | Variant of the name Zohra. |
Zohreh | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohreh: Bright White Color 5 names Radiant 335 names Venus 16 names | زُهرة | Variant of the name Zohra. |
Zohria | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohria: Florid 2 names Pink 2 names Rosy 27 names | زُهْرِيَّة | Variant of the name Zuhriyyah. |
Zohur | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zohur: Flowers 14 names | زهور | Variant of the name Zuhur. |
Zolfa | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zolfa: Closeness 7 names Nearness 5 names Rank 10 names Station 4 names | زُلْفَى | Variant of the name Zulfaa, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zolfaa | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zolfaa: Closeness 7 names Nearness 5 names Rank 10 names Station 4 names | زُلْفَى | Variant of the name Zulfaa, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zolikram | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zolikram: Gracious 103 names Honored 48 names | ذو الاكرام | Variant of the name Zulikram. |
Zolla | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zolla: Shade 29 names | ظُلَّة | Variant of the name Zulla, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zollah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zollah: Shade 29 names | ظُلَّة | Variant of the name Zulla, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zomar | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zomar: Groups 7 names Throngs 4 names | زُمر | Variant of the name Zumar, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zomard | Female | Arabic 10801 names Urdu 103 names | Meaning(s) of Zomard: Emerald 12 names | زمرد | Variant of the name Zumard. |
Zomer | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zomer: Groups 7 names Throngs 4 names | زُمر | Variant of the name Zumar, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Zomorrud | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zomorrud: Emerald 12 names | زمرد | Variant of the name Zumurrud. |
Zomorrudah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zomorrudah: Emerald 12 names | زمردة | Variant of the name Zumurruda. |
Zona | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zona: Adornment 72 names Beautification 46 names | زونة | Variant of the name Zoona. |
Zonah | Female | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Zonah: Adornment 72 names Beautification 46 names | زونة | Variant of the name Zoona. |