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By the creator of this site.Baby Names for Muslims: Traditional and Modern Boy and Girl Names from Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Other World Languages Permissible in Islam
Muslim Baby Names for Boys
6953 names - page 107
Show only names starting with:A 1266B 391C 39Ch 12D 216E 231F 343G 20Gh 74H 282I 195J 155K 146Kh 107L 104M 896N 265O 67P 44Q 80R 302S 548Sh 185T 202Th 30U 72V 26W 188Y 76Z 388Zh 3Show only names belonging to the language:Arabic 5491Persian 636English 298Kurdish 89German 81Urdu 80Turkish 78Italian 76Spanish 56Russian 56Irish 40French 40Scottish 38Scandinavian 36Biblical 35Portuguese 30Polish 24Welsh 23Dutch 22Hebrew 19Czech 18Finnish 17Swedish 13Scottish Gaelic 10Danish 10Latin 9Catalan 9Irish Gaelic 7Jewish 5Aramaic 5Norwegian 4Hungarian 4Ancient Egyptian 3Australian 3Flemish 3Gaelic 1Azerbaijani 1Greek 1Basque 1Swiss 1Ukrainian 1Romanian 1Frisian 1Armenian 1
Name Sex Language Meaning(s) Original Spelling Notes
Saayim Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Saayim:One Who Fasts15 names صائم Variant of the name Saim.
Sabaaq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabaaq:Racer3 names سَبَّاق Variant of the name Sabbaq.
Sabalan Male Persian2045 names Historic name with unknown meaning. سبلان Name of a mountain range in north-western Iran.
Sabaq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabaq:Racer3 names سَبَّاق Variant of the name Sabbaq.
Sabbagh Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabbagh:Dyer3 names صَبَّاغ
Sabbaq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabbaq:Racer3 names سَبَّاق
Sabbar Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabbar:Enduring35 namesPatient33 names صَبَّار The name Sabbar is mentioned in the Quran.
Sabeeh Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabeeh:Handsome92 namesRadiant335 names صَبِيْح
Sabeel Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabeel:Path24 namesRoad18 namesWay13 names سبيل The name Sabeel is mentioned in the Quran in verse 27:24 and others.
Sabeer Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabeer:Enduring35 namesPatient33 names صَبِير
Sabeeri Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabeeri:Enduring35 namesPatient33 names صَبِيرِي
Sabeq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabeq:Advanced14 namesAhead13 names سابق Variant of the name Sabiq.
Sabet Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabet:Firm25 namesReliable12 namesStable19 names ثَابِت Variant of the name Sabit, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Sabi Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabi:Affectionate70 names صَابِي
Sabigh Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabigh:Dyer3 names صَابِغ
Sabih Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabih:Handsome92 namesRadiant335 names صَبِيْح Variant of the name Sabeeh.
Sabihi Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabihi:Bright39 namesHandsome92 names صَبِيحِي
Sabil Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabil:Path24 namesRoad18 namesWay13 names سبيل Variant of the name Sabeel, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Sabiq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabiq:Advanced14 namesAhead13 names سابق
Sabir Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabir:Enduring35 namesPatient33 names صَابِر The name Sabir is mentioned in the Quran.
Sabit Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabit:Firm25 namesReliable12 namesStable19 names ثَابِت The name Sabit is mentioned in the Quran.
Sabr Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabr:Enduring35 namesPatience7 names صَبْر The name Sabr is mentioned in the Quran.
Sabri Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabri:Enduring35 namesPatient33 names صَبْري
Sabur Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabur:Enduring35 namesPatient33 names صَبُور
Saburi Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Saburi:Enduring35 namesPatient33 names صَبُورِي
Sabyll Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sabyll:Path24 namesRoad18 namesWay13 names سبيل Variant of the name Sabeel, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Sacha Male French120 names Meaning(s) of Sacha:Defender of Humanity37 names From a Russian pet form of Alexander.
Sadaad Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadaad:Rationality7 namesSense12 names سَدَاد
Sadad Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadad:Rationality7 namesSense12 names سَدَاد Variant of the name Sadaad.
Sadan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadan:Prudent3 namesReasonable30 namesSensible44 names سَادَان
Sadeeq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadeeq:Friend80 names صَدِيق
Sadeq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadeq:Devoted12 namesFaithful58 namesHonest7 namesSincere19 namesTruehearted4 names صَادِق Variant of the name Sadiq, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Sadiq Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadiq:Devoted12 namesFaithful58 namesHonest7 namesSincere19 namesTruehearted4 names صَادِق The name Sadiq is mentioned in the Quran.
Sadiqeen Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadiqeen:Truthful Ones2 names صَادِقِيْن Variant of the name Sadiqin, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Sadiqin Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadiqin:Truthful Ones2 names صَادِقِيْن The name Sadiqin is mentioned in the Quran.
Sadqan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Sadqan:Sincere19 namesTruthful21 names صَدْقَان
Saed Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Saed:Great182 namesMajestic46 names سائد Variant of the name Saaed.
Saeed Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Saeed:Happy194 namesSuccessful158 names سَعيد
Saeedan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Saeedan:Happy194 namesSuccessful158 names سَعِيدان
Saehaan Male Arabic10801 names Historic name with unknown meaning. سيحان Variant of the name Sayhan.
Saehaane Male Arabic10801 names Historic name with unknown meaning. سيحان Variant of the name Sayhan.
Saehan Male Arabic10801 names Historic name with unknown meaning. سيحان Variant of the name Sayhan.
Saehane Male Arabic10801 names Historic name with unknown meaning. سيحان Variant of the name Sayhan.
Saem Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Saem:One Who Fasts15 names صائم Variant of the name Saim.
Safee Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Safee:Pure180 names صَفِيّ
Safeen Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Safeen:Ships2 names سَفِين
Safeer Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Safeer:Ambassador2 names سَفِير
Safi Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Safi:Pure180 names صَفِيّ Variant of the name Safee.
Safih Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Safih:Forgiving27 names صَافِح
Safin Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Safin:Ships2 names سَفِين Variant of the name Safeen.
6953 names - page 107
Show only names starting with:
A 1266B 391C 39Ch 12D 216E 231F 343G 20Gh 74H 282I 195J 155K 146Kh 107L 104M 896N 265O 67P 44Q 80R 302S 548Sh 185T 202Th 30U 72V 26W 188Y 76Z 388Zh 3Show only names belonging to the language:
Arabic 5491Persian 636English 298Kurdish 89German 81Urdu 80Turkish 78Italian 76Spanish 56Russian 56Irish 40French 40Scottish 38Scandinavian 36Biblical 35Portuguese 30Polish 24Welsh 23Dutch 22Hebrew 19Czech 18Finnish 17Swedish 13Scottish Gaelic 10Danish 10Latin 9Catalan 9Irish Gaelic 7Jewish 5Aramaic 5Norwegian 4Hungarian 4Ancient Egyptian 3Australian 3Flemish 3Gaelic 1Azerbaijani 1Greek 1Basque 1Swiss 1Ukrainian 1Romanian 1Frisian 1Armenian 1
Name | Sex | Language | Meaning(s) | Original Spelling | Notes |
Saayim | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saayim: One Who Fasts 15 names | صائم | Variant of the name Saim. |
Sabaaq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabaaq: Racer 3 names | سَبَّاق | Variant of the name Sabbaq. |
Sabalan | Male | Persian 2045 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سبلان | Name of a mountain range in north-western Iran. |
Sabaq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabaq: Racer 3 names | سَبَّاق | Variant of the name Sabbaq. |
Sabbagh | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabbagh: Dyer 3 names | صَبَّاغ | |
Sabbaq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabbaq: Racer 3 names | سَبَّاق | |
Sabbar | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabbar: Enduring 35 names Patient 33 names | صَبَّار | The name Sabbar is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sabeeh | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabeeh: Handsome 92 names Radiant 335 names | صَبِيْح | |
Sabeel | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabeel: Path 24 names Road 18 names Way 13 names | سبيل | The name Sabeel is mentioned in the Quran in verse 27:24 and others. |
Sabeer | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabeer: Enduring 35 names Patient 33 names | صَبِير | |
Sabeeri | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabeeri: Enduring 35 names Patient 33 names | صَبِيرِي | |
Sabeq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabeq: Advanced 14 names Ahead 13 names | سابق | Variant of the name Sabiq. |
Sabet | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabet: Firm 25 names Reliable 12 names Stable 19 names | ثَابِت | Variant of the name Sabit, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sabi | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabi: Affectionate 70 names | صَابِي | |
Sabigh | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabigh: Dyer 3 names | صَابِغ | |
Sabih | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabih: Handsome 92 names Radiant 335 names | صَبِيْح | Variant of the name Sabeeh. |
Sabihi | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabihi: Bright 39 names Handsome 92 names | صَبِيحِي | |
Sabil | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabil: Path 24 names Road 18 names Way 13 names | سبيل | Variant of the name Sabeel, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sabiq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabiq: Advanced 14 names Ahead 13 names | سابق | |
Sabir | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabir: Enduring 35 names Patient 33 names | صَابِر | The name Sabir is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sabit | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabit: Firm 25 names Reliable 12 names Stable 19 names | ثَابِت | The name Sabit is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sabr | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabr: Enduring 35 names Patience 7 names | صَبْر | The name Sabr is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sabri | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabri: Enduring 35 names Patient 33 names | صَبْري | |
Sabur | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabur: Enduring 35 names Patient 33 names | صَبُور | |
Saburi | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saburi: Enduring 35 names Patient 33 names | صَبُورِي | |
Sabyll | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sabyll: Path 24 names Road 18 names Way 13 names | سبيل | Variant of the name Sabeel, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sacha | Male | French 120 names | Meaning(s) of Sacha: Defender of Humanity 37 names | From a Russian pet form of Alexander. | |
Sadaad | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadaad: Rationality 7 names Sense 12 names | سَدَاد | |
Sadad | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadad: Rationality 7 names Sense 12 names | سَدَاد | Variant of the name Sadaad. |
Sadan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadan: Prudent 3 names Reasonable 30 names Sensible 44 names | سَادَان | |
Sadeeq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadeeq: Friend 80 names | صَدِيق | |
Sadeq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadeq: Devoted 12 names Faithful 58 names Honest 7 names Sincere 19 names Truehearted 4 names | صَادِق | Variant of the name Sadiq, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sadiq | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadiq: Devoted 12 names Faithful 58 names Honest 7 names Sincere 19 names Truehearted 4 names | صَادِق | The name Sadiq is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sadiqeen | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadiqeen: Truthful Ones 2 names | صَادِقِيْن | Variant of the name Sadiqin, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sadiqin | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadiqin: Truthful Ones 2 names | صَادِقِيْن | The name Sadiqin is mentioned in the Quran. |
Sadqan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Sadqan: Sincere 19 names Truthful 21 names | صَدْقَان | |
Saed | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saed: Great 182 names Majestic 46 names | سائد | Variant of the name Saaed. |
Saeed | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saeed: Happy 194 names Successful 158 names | سَعيد | |
Saeedan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saeedan: Happy 194 names Successful 158 names | سَعِيدان | |
Saehaan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saehaane | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saehan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saehane | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Historic name with unknown meaning. | سيحان | Variant of the name Sayhan. |
Saem | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Saem: One Who Fasts 15 names | صائم | Variant of the name Saim. |
Safee | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Safee: Pure 180 names | صَفِيّ | |
Safeen | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Safeen: Ships 2 names | سَفِين | |
Safeer | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Safeer: Ambassador 2 names | سَفِير | |
Safi | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Safi: Pure 180 names | صَفِيّ | Variant of the name Safee. |
Safih | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Safih: Forgiving 27 names | صَافِح | |
Safin | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Safin: Ships 2 names | سَفِين | Variant of the name Safeen. |