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By the creator of this site.Baby Names for Muslims: Traditional and Modern Boy and Girl Names from Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Other World Languages Permissible in Islam
Muslim Baby Names for Boys
6953 names - page 25
Show only names starting with:A 1266B 391C 39Ch 12D 216E 231F 343G 20Gh 74H 282I 195J 155K 146Kh 107L 104M 896N 265O 67P 44Q 80R 302S 548Sh 185T 202Th 30U 72V 26W 188Y 76Z 388Zh 3Show only names belonging to the language:Arabic 5491Persian 636English 298Kurdish 89German 81Urdu 80Turkish 78Italian 76Spanish 56Russian 56Irish 40French 40Scottish 38Scandinavian 36Biblical 35Portuguese 30Polish 24Welsh 23Dutch 22Hebrew 19Czech 18Finnish 17Swedish 13Scottish Gaelic 10Danish 10Latin 9Catalan 9Irish Gaelic 7Jewish 5Aramaic 5Norwegian 4Hungarian 4Ancient Egyptian 3Australian 3Flemish 3Gaelic 1Azerbaijani 1Greek 1Basque 1Swiss 1Ukrainian 1Romanian 1Frisian 1Armenian 1
Name Sex Language Meaning(s) Original Spelling Notes
Aymen Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Aymen:Blessed182 namesFortunate52 names أيمن Variant of the name Ayman, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Ayn Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayn:Fountain16 namesSpring16 names عَين Variant of the name Ain, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Aynan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Aynan:Two Fountains2 names عَيْنَان The name Aynan is mentioned in the Quran.
Ayne Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayne:Fountain16 namesSpring16 names عَين Variant of the name Ain, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Ayoob Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayoob:Repentance17 names أَيُّوْب Variant of the name Ayyub, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Aysar Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Aysar:Easy17 namesLeft-handed3 namesLenient59 names أيسر Masculine form of Yusra.
Ayser Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayser:Easy17 namesLeft-handed3 namesLenient59 names أيسر Variant of the name Aysar.
Aysh Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Aysh:Life42 namesLivelihood14 names عَيْش Variant of the name Aish.
Ayub Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayub:Repentance17 names أَيُّوْب Variant of the name Ayyub, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Ayyaad Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyaad:Fortifier4 namesStrengthener4 namesSupporter69 names أيّاد Variant of the name Ayyad.
Ayyad Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyad:Fortifier4 namesStrengthener4 namesSupporter69 names أيّاد Ayyad is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means "able strengthener", a person who is powerful and adds strength to others. It is derived from the Y-D-Y root which is mentioned in many places in the Quran, such as 38:17: Bear with their words patiently. Remember Our servant David, a man of strength who always turned to Us. Ayyad should not be confused with Ayad. Both names are derived from the same root, but they have different, though close, meanings.
Ayyam Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyam:Days3 names أيّام
Ayyan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyan:Beautiful-eyed30 namesObservant3 namesPerceptive68 names عَيّان
Ayyan Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyan:Era12 namesTime19 names أيّان Variant of the name Ayan, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Ayyash Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyash:Alive69 namesProspering19 names عَيَّاش
Ayyashi Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyashi:Alive69 namesProspering19 names عَيَّاشِي
Ayyoob Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyoob:Repentance17 names أَيُّوْب Variant of the name Ayyub, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Ayyub Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Ayyub:Repentance17 names أَيُّوْب Ayyub is the name of one of the prophets mentioned in the Quran.
Azaad Unisex Kurdish197 namesPersian2045 namesUrdu103 names Meaning(s) of Azaad:Free32 namesSovereign9 names آزاد Variant of the name Azad.
Azaam Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azaam:Lion105 names عَزَّام Variant of the name Azzam.
Azaan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azaan:Beloved95 namesCherished4 namesDear22 namesExcellent136 namesLofty41 names عزّان Variant of the name Azzan.
Azaan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azaan:Announcement10 namesCall22 names أَذَان The name Azaan is mentioned in the Quran.
Azad Unisex Kurdish197 namesPersian2045 namesUrdu103 names Meaning(s) of Azad:Free32 namesSovereign9 names آزاد
Azal Unisex Arabic10801 namesPersian2045 names Meaning(s) of Azal:Eternity3 namesPerpetuity3 names ازل
Azalee Male Arabic10801 namesPersian2045 names Meaning(s) of Azalee:Eternal34 names أَزَليّ Variant of the name Azali.
Azali Male Arabic10801 namesPersian2045 names Meaning(s) of Azali:Eternal34 names أَزَليّ
Azaly Male Arabic10801 namesPersian2045 names Meaning(s) of Azaly:Eternal34 names أَزَليّ Variant of the name Azali.
Azam Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azam:Lion105 names عَزَّام Variant of the name Azzam.
Azan Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azan:Announcement10 namesCall22 names أَذَان Variant of the name Azaan, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Azarang Male Persian2045 names Meaning(s) of Azarang:Brilliant166 namesShining19 names آذرنگ
Azb Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azb:Fresh25 namesSweet19 names عَذْب The name Azbi is mentioned in the Quran.
Azban Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azban:Fresh Water7 names عَذْبَان
Azeeb Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azeeb:Fresh Water7 names عَذِيب
Azeem Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azeem:Great182 namesMagnificent25 names عَظِيْم The name Azeem is mentioned in the Quran.
Azeen Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azeen:Obedient25 namesRighteous12 names أذين Variant of the name Adeen.
Azeez Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azeez:Beloved95 namesDear22 namesExalted69 namesGreat182 namesNoble277 names عزيز Variant of the name Aziz, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Azel Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azel:Guardian56 namesProtector69 names عَازِل Variant of the name Azil.
Azem Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azem:Determined38 namesResolute36 namesResolved17 names عَازِم Variant of the name Azim.
Azfaar Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azfaar:Triumphs4 namesVictories4 names أَظْفَار
Azfar Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azfar:Overcomer4 namesVictor31 namesVictorious6 names أظفر
Azfar Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azfar:Triumphs4 namesVictories4 names أَظْفَار Variant of the name Azfaar.
Azfer Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azfer:Overcomer4 namesVictor31 namesVictorious6 names أظفر Variant of the name Azfar.
Azhar Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azhar:Brilliant166 namesRadiant335 names أَزْهَر
Azian Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azian:Adornments2 namesDecorations2 namesVirtues8 names أزيان Variant of the name Azyan.
Azil Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azil:Guardian56 namesProtector69 names عَازِل
Azim Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azim:Great182 namesMagnificent25 names عَظِيْم Variant of the name Azeem, which is mentioned in the Quran.
Azim Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azim:Determined38 namesResolute36 namesResolved17 names عَازِم
Azin Unisex Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azin:Obedient25 namesRighteous12 names أذين Variant of the name Adeen.
Aziz Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Aziz:Beloved95 namesDear22 namesExalted69 namesGreat182 namesNoble277 names عزيز The name Aziz is mentioned in the Quran.
Azka Male Arabic10801 names Meaning(s) of Azka:Better4 namesPurer2 names أزْكَى The name Azka is mentioned in the Quran.
6953 names - page 25
Show only names starting with:
A 1266B 391C 39Ch 12D 216E 231F 343G 20Gh 74H 282I 195J 155K 146Kh 107L 104M 896N 265O 67P 44Q 80R 302S 548Sh 185T 202Th 30U 72V 26W 188Y 76Z 388Zh 3Show only names belonging to the language:
Arabic 5491Persian 636English 298Kurdish 89German 81Urdu 80Turkish 78Italian 76Spanish 56Russian 56Irish 40French 40Scottish 38Scandinavian 36Biblical 35Portuguese 30Polish 24Welsh 23Dutch 22Hebrew 19Czech 18Finnish 17Swedish 13Scottish Gaelic 10Danish 10Latin 9Catalan 9Irish Gaelic 7Jewish 5Aramaic 5Norwegian 4Hungarian 4Ancient Egyptian 3Australian 3Flemish 3Gaelic 1Azerbaijani 1Greek 1Basque 1Swiss 1Ukrainian 1Romanian 1Frisian 1Armenian 1
Name | Sex | Language | Meaning(s) | Original Spelling | Notes |
Aymen | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Aymen: Blessed 182 names Fortunate 52 names | أيمن | Variant of the name Ayman, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ayn | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayn: Fountain 16 names Spring 16 names | عَين | Variant of the name Ain, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Aynan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Aynan: Two Fountains 2 names | عَيْنَان | The name Aynan is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ayne | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayne: Fountain 16 names Spring 16 names | عَين | Variant of the name Ain, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ayoob | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayoob: Repentance 17 names | أَيُّوْب | Variant of the name Ayyub, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Aysar | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Aysar: Easy 17 names Left-handed 3 names Lenient 59 names | أيسر | Masculine form of Yusra. |
Ayser | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayser: Easy 17 names Left-handed 3 names Lenient 59 names | أيسر | Variant of the name Aysar. |
Aysh | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Aysh: Life 42 names Livelihood 14 names | عَيْش | Variant of the name Aish. |
Ayub | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayub: Repentance 17 names | أَيُّوْب | Variant of the name Ayyub, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ayyaad | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyaad: Fortifier 4 names Strengthener 4 names Supporter 69 names | أيّاد | Variant of the name Ayyad. |
Ayyad | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyad: Fortifier 4 names Strengthener 4 names Supporter 69 names | أيّاد | Ayyad is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means "able strengthener", a person who is powerful and adds strength to others. It is derived from the Y-D-Y root which is mentioned in many places in the Quran, such as 38:17: Bear with their words patiently. Remember Our servant David, a man of strength who always turned to Us. Ayyad should not be confused with Ayad. Both names are derived from the same root, but they have different, though close, meanings. |
Ayyam | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyam: Days 3 names | أيّام | |
Ayyan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyan: Beautiful-eyed 30 names Observant 3 names Perceptive 68 names | عَيّان | |
Ayyan | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyan: Era 12 names Time 19 names | أيّان | Variant of the name Ayan, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ayyash | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyash: Alive 69 names Prospering 19 names | عَيَّاش | |
Ayyashi | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyashi: Alive 69 names Prospering 19 names | عَيَّاشِي | |
Ayyoob | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyoob: Repentance 17 names | أَيُّوْب | Variant of the name Ayyub, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Ayyub | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Ayyub: Repentance 17 names | أَيُّوْب | Ayyub is the name of one of the prophets mentioned in the Quran. |
Azaad | Unisex | Kurdish 197 names Persian 2045 names Urdu 103 names | Meaning(s) of Azaad: Free 32 names Sovereign 9 names | آزاد | Variant of the name Azad. |
Azaam | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azaam: Lion 105 names | عَزَّام | Variant of the name Azzam. |
Azaan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azaan: Beloved 95 names Cherished 4 names Dear 22 names Excellent 136 names Lofty 41 names | عزّان | Variant of the name Azzan. |
Azaan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azaan: Announcement 10 names Call 22 names | أَذَان | The name Azaan is mentioned in the Quran. |
Azad | Unisex | Kurdish 197 names Persian 2045 names Urdu 103 names | Meaning(s) of Azad: Free 32 names Sovereign 9 names | آزاد | |
Azal | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Azal: Eternity 3 names Perpetuity 3 names | ازل | |
Azalee | Male | Arabic 10801 names Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Azalee: Eternal 34 names | أَزَليّ | Variant of the name Azali. |
Azali | Male | Arabic 10801 names Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Azali: Eternal 34 names | أَزَليّ | |
Azaly | Male | Arabic 10801 names Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Azaly: Eternal 34 names | أَزَليّ | Variant of the name Azali. |
Azam | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azam: Lion 105 names | عَزَّام | Variant of the name Azzam. |
Azan | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azan: Announcement 10 names Call 22 names | أَذَان | Variant of the name Azaan, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Azarang | Male | Persian 2045 names | Meaning(s) of Azarang: Brilliant 166 names Shining 19 names | آذرنگ | |
Azb | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azb: Fresh 25 names Sweet 19 names | عَذْب | The name Azbi is mentioned in the Quran. |
Azban | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azban: Fresh Water 7 names | عَذْبَان | |
Azeeb | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azeeb: Fresh Water 7 names | عَذِيب | |
Azeem | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azeem: Great 182 names Magnificent 25 names | عَظِيْم | The name Azeem is mentioned in the Quran. |
Azeen | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azeen: Obedient 25 names Righteous 12 names | أذين | Variant of the name Adeen. |
Azeez | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azeez: Beloved 95 names Dear 22 names Exalted 69 names Great 182 names Noble 277 names | عزيز | Variant of the name Aziz, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Azel | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azel: Guardian 56 names Protector 69 names | عَازِل | Variant of the name Azil. |
Azem | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azem: Determined 38 names Resolute 36 names Resolved 17 names | عَازِم | Variant of the name Azim. |
Azfaar | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azfaar: Triumphs 4 names Victories 4 names | أَظْفَار | |
Azfar | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azfar: Overcomer 4 names Victor 31 names Victorious 6 names | أظفر | |
Azfar | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azfar: Triumphs 4 names Victories 4 names | أَظْفَار | Variant of the name Azfaar. |
Azfer | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azfer: Overcomer 4 names Victor 31 names Victorious 6 names | أظفر | Variant of the name Azfar. |
Azhar | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azhar: Brilliant 166 names Radiant 335 names | أَزْهَر | |
Azian | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azian: Adornments 2 names Decorations 2 names Virtues 8 names | أزيان | Variant of the name Azyan. |
Azil | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azil: Guardian 56 names Protector 69 names | عَازِل | |
Azim | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azim: Great 182 names Magnificent 25 names | عَظِيْم | Variant of the name Azeem, which is mentioned in the Quran. |
Azim | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azim: Determined 38 names Resolute 36 names Resolved 17 names | عَازِم | |
Azin | Unisex | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azin: Obedient 25 names Righteous 12 names | أذين | Variant of the name Adeen. |
Aziz | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Aziz: Beloved 95 names Dear 22 names Exalted 69 names Great 182 names Noble 277 names | عزيز | The name Aziz is mentioned in the Quran. |
Azka | Male | Arabic 10801 names | Meaning(s) of Azka: Better 4 names Purer 2 names | أزْكَى | The name Azka is mentioned in the Quran. |