Meaning and details of: Setayesh

NameSexLanguageMeaning(s)Original SpellingNotes
2045 names
Meaning(s) of Setayesh:
20 names

Comments: 3

  1. On 19/11/2019 - 09:49

    Unfortunately, because the name ‘Setayish’ is not a popular whenever you search the meaning for it, it always comes up with ‘PRAISE GOD’ so here is my take on what it means.
    Setayish is a string, compassionate, and competitive person. A person who longs for freedom and equality. These people are a perfectionist and will do anything in their means to be the best. They are true leaders.

  2. On 19/11/2019 - 09:50

    They are sometimes crazy but have a manor to their madness

  3. On 21/12/2020 - 14:51

    Setayish’s drive and passion is quite powerful and can even often be misunderstood by others. These people can be quite social when they need to but they also love to spend time with themselves and reflect on their actions, worries, and dreams. These people can often be regarded as dreamers and sometimes they are told to make their goals and ambitions smaller but if they put in the hard work they should never size down what is really meant for them.